Here are all the files you will need to access as part of the final workshop of the OARS Project.

If you haven’t seen it already, there is the pre-video for the workshop:

Here is the plan for this session

Time Activity With
4.00-4.10 Introduction and overview of workshop Ann
4.10-4.30 Analysing teacher produced material for argumentation (using argumentation frameworks) in breakout rooms [FILES BELOW]
Each breakout group to elect a chair to feedback to plenary
4.30-4.40 Plenary feedback from chairs Judith
4.40-5.05 Analysing student work  
Whole group discussion analysing examples that illustrate key points from the research about student work [FILES BELOW]   
5.05-.5.15 Drawing together key points from all the research Liam
5.15-5.25 Teachers’ plans for taking their work forward Jessica
5.25-5.30 Closing remarks Ann

Files for Section with Judith on Teacher Produced Material for Argumentation

Teacher Produced Material for Argumentation

RE Classroom Material

Science Classroom Material

Science-RE Classroom Material

Files for Section with Nigel on Student Work

Research from the Project

What are your thoughts on these patterns of performance?

Additional Resources