Our Team

Sibel Erduran
Principal Investigator & Professor of Science Education
Sibel Erduran is Professor of Science Education and Deputy Director of Research. Prior to her appointment at Oxford, she was the Chair of STEM Education at University of Limerick, Ireland where she was the Director of EPI-STEM, National Centre for STEM Education.

Nigel Fancourt
Associate Professor
Nigel is Associate Professor of Learning, Teaching and Values, and is Director of the Masters in Learning and Teaching. His research broadly encompasses the pedagogical implications of collaborative working, inter-disciplinarity, and intersecting knowledge-practices.

Judith Hillier
Associate Professor of Science Education (Physics)
After completing her PhD in condensed matter physics from the University of Leeds and the Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, Judith studied on the Oxford PGCE programme and then taught for several years in an Oxfordshire comprehensive school, becoming Key Stage 3 Co-ordinator.

Ann Childs
Associate Professor of Science Education (Chemistry)
After obtaining a degree and PhD in chemistry at the University of Birmingham, Ann Childs taught science in secondary schools in the UK and West Africa for eleven years, seven of these as a head of chemistry and head of science. Since 1995 she has been involved in science teacher education at Oxford University where she is a fellow of Lady Margaret Hall.

Jessica Chan
Research Officer
The massive impacts teachers have on students, learning and in a broad sense, the future of our society have driven Jessica to research pedagogy, theories of learning and teacher professional development.

Wonyong Park
Doctoral Student/Research Assistant
Wonyong is a DPhil student in science education and focuses on using the ideas of history and philosophy of science to improve secondary science (physics) teaching. A native of South Korea, he received BSc, MSc degrees in physics education and a teaching certificate from Seoul National University.

Liam Guilfoyle
Full-time Research Officer
Liam is a Research Officer currently working on the Oxford Argumentation in Religion and Science (OARS) project, funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation. Before joining the department, Liam completed his PhD research at the University of Limerick School of Education and the National Centre for STEM Education (EPI·STEM) under the supervision of Dr Orla McCormack and Prof Sibel Erduran.